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ERA: A New Myth for All Legends!

ERA Legend of the Spider and Ant

The Spider was given the endeavour to become the master of knowledge. So, the Spider spins its Web to outline the sections of knowledge required for existence. She sits in the middle, her focus - placing the knowledge together to illustrate an understanding of how it is all interconnected,

ERA - Eco-Response-Ability, a new myth, grabs the focus of her attention. She places ERA in the centre of her Web for the People to see why it is important to understand how to apply the knowledge in a good way, while being guided as such in how to express an existence in harmony with Nature.

Legends are myths as they tell the stories of real creatures and yet they become anthropocentric in symbolic meaning teaching human lessons. The symbolism is the key, for in it is through metaphoric analogy that the teachings are passed on, based on real observation of real phenomena.

While myths also often involve half-invented creatures to connote the magic or mystical, ERA is a real live myth for humans to emanate…

The Ant, realizing the wisdom of the Spider’s teachings, takes ERA to heart and applies it to change and transform the behaviour of the whole colony. The Ant colony uses the teachings of the Spider and applies them, by each individual and the whole collective responding with their abilities in co-creating the social restructuring required.

The Ants’ work involves social transformation of all roles and the restructuring of all activities in all sectors, with constant communication to facilitate the manifestation of the positive changes in behaviour and structure, and thus emerging a new ERA founded upon Eco-Response-Ability.

We are the ants…

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