What does ERA provide?
An ethical framework for applying Ecological Responsibility: ER.
A mediating moral to guide and inform Environmental Social Change: ESC.
A new meme to help people switch their foci and apply themselves in action.
A way to look at best practices and for making a comprehensive list of needed practices in light of all the blatant, flagrant, ecological irresponsibility being individually and collectively expressed by/at all levels of society.
What would ERA look like?
ERA Economics, ERA Politics, ERA Education, ERA Technology, ERA Industry, etc. etc. For each sector we can ask, what would ERA look like, and in answering each question we can compile the best practices that already exist and highlight needs not yet existing that require being developed. Brainstorming about ERA is necessary in order to create ERA Web, an interactive compendium of ERA Alternatives and Solutions, those that already exist, requiring promotion, application and movement into the mainstream; and those that still need to be brought into creation and widespread use. We all ought to be talking about this, meeting and organizing, starting locally, being stewards of the land, making differences in our communities, through individual actions and collective caring, driving the people to converge in our foci and efforts to collaborate in co-creation, respecting Ecology: Life and All Relations while expressing our Eco-Response-Abilities.
ERA Expressed shall be evolving into
ERA Web with Issues and Sectors linked to ERA Solutions!
Please help ERA Evolve:
Share your ideas on ERA Net & Contact link.